Friday, March 20, 2009

Character Intel: Cad Bane

Cad Bane

A bounty hunter from Duro, Bane often worked solely for the reward of his missions. Because of this, he worked for the highest bidder instead of solely for his original hirer.
After a bounty was placed on Bane's head, fellow bounty hunter Davtokk tried to kill Bane on Keyorin. However, Bane tricked Davtokk with a dummy, and Davtokk was ambushed by Robonino, Shahan Alama, and Aurra Sing. Bane stated that it had been a "test" for his team, and left the wounded bounty hunter to be picked up by others before heading on a raid on the Galactic Senate to free crime lord Ziro the Hutt.
Later working for Darth Tyranus, Bane stole a holocron with a list of infants with Force potential. He kidnapped the children from the list and took them to Mustafar, where Darth Sidious planned to use them for his wicked deeds.

Bane was at the "top of his game" during the Clone Wars, as fellow bounty hunter Jango Fett was no longer around, having died in the Battle of Geonosis. Bane had much less moral content than Fett, and would often turn upon the very people who hired him unless he was given money. He was much more ruthless, and also unlike Fett, he did not take prisoners.
Bane carries custom-made twin blaster pistols built from BlasTech LL-30 pistols. His breathing tubes are artificial, though they allow him to hunt and do business freely in unfamiliar environments. Bane is also equipped with rocket boots and wrist gauntlets. The wrist gauntlets have a variety of tools and weapons, including a cable launcher, comlink, data uplink, and non-lethal stunners

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