Thursday, January 1, 2009

Character Intel: Galen Marek (Starkiller)

Galen Marek
Galen Marek, codenamed Starkiller, was the son of the Jedi Kento and Mallie Marek. He was a Human male secretly taken as an apprentice by Darth Vader from his father on Kashyyyk during the Great Jedi Purge. The Dark Lord trained him to kill Jedi who survived Order 66, and ultimately to stand with Vader to overthrow his own Master. In time, Marek carved out his own destiny, however, receiving training from Jedi Master Rahm Kota and helped the "fallen" Jedi Maris Brood seek redemption. He became the first leader of the Rebel Alliance.

Through his journeys with PROXY and his new pilot Juno Eclipse, he hunted down and murdered Jedi Master Rahm Kota, Jedi master Kazdan Paratus, and Jedi Master Shaak Ti on Darth Vader's orders, or so Marek thought. After informing his master of Shaak Ti's death, Vader told him to return to the Executor immediately, for the time had come to face the Emperor. As Starkiller was aboard the Executor, the Emperor's fleet arrived. Starkiller believed that Vader had lured Sidious to them, but Vader revealed that he did not summon him. As the confused Sith apprentice turned to see Sidious entering the room, he was brutally stabbed through the back by the very man who raised him, as Vader angrily stated that the Emperor's spies had followed him there. Darth Sidious commanded Vader to finish off Starkiller and prove his loyalty. Despite Starkiller's pleadings, Vader turned on him, telekinetically ravaging him around the command bridge before finally hurling him through the view port windows. While his body lifelessly drifted through space, a lone cargo droid swiveled by, picked him up and took him to a hidden location.

Marek did serve Vader, but Vader and the Emperor (who was really giving Vader the orders and passing them to Marek) only cared about rooting up their enemies and Marek killed thousands of Imperial troops and many imperial installations around the galaxy including the TIE Fighter factory above Nar Shadaa, The Star Destroyer Construction Yard above Raxus Prime, and greatly damaging the Death Star I before it's final completion. Marek also came close to killing Darth Vader and the Emperor after learning the truth behind Emperor's plan and Vader personally kidnapping Senator Bail Organa, Mon Montha, and several others, but in the process of saving the senators that had been kidnapped by Darth Vader, he sacrificed himself to let them escape and declare the rebel alliance against the Empire.

Full synopsis:

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