Sunday, January 18, 2009

Character Intel: Kento Marek

Kento Marek

Kento Marek was a Jedi Knight of the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars and later the Great Jedi Purge. He was the father of Galen Marek (Starkiller) who would become Darth Vader's secret apprentice and soon after the founder of the Rebel Alliance.

He and his wife Mallie were married for ten years, during which they had a son named Galen. When Order 66 began, the two lovers disguised themselves as medics, escaping to Kashyyyk and befriending the Wookiees there. Mallie was killed shortly afterwards, while protecting the Wookiees from the surviving Separatist-hired Trandoshan slavers and mercenaries. And during the Great Jedi Purge, Kento's mentor was slain by Darth Vader.

Years later, Kento fought Darth Vader in a battle of lightsabers and Force powers until Vader got the upper hand and smashed Kento through the doorway of his hut. While using the Force to choke Kento, Vader sensed the presence of a much more powerful Force-user nearby, assuming it to be that of Kento's master and demanding his whereabouts. Kento responded by saying, "The dark side has clouded your mind. You killed my master years ago." Vader replied that Kento would now share his Master's fate. But before Vader could strike, his lightsaber shot from his hand and into the arms of Kento's young son, Galen. Kento yelled at his son to run, but Vader casually crushed Kento's throat and stood staring down at the young child, Vader's ignited lightsaber still clutched in his hands.

Then three Imperial Stormtroopers and their officer arrived at the hut. Seeing Galen with Vader's ignited lightsaber, the officer motioned for the troopers to fire at the boy, thinking that he was going to kill the Sith Lord. Vader grabbed his saber from Galen and deflected the blasts,striking them down as Galen watched in horror. He then turned to Galen and told him to come with him, for more troops would be arriving at any moment. The child took one last look at the body of his father and followed Vader to his shuttle. Thus, Galen became Vader's secret apprentice and was given the code name Starkiller.

Sixteen years later, Galen went to the Jedi Temple for the third time after "betraying" Darth Vader, he found Kento and Vader fighting and discusing about Galen's future, after that Galen fought and killed his own father without knowing it, and then, Kento said "I never wanted this for you. I never wanted any of this for you... I'm sorry, son.", surprising Galen

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Character Intel: Kazdan Paratus

Kazdan Paratus

Kazdan Paratus was an Aleena Jedi Knight and General who fought in the Clone Wars and survived Order 66. Paratus, during his younger years, did not possess the detachment most Jedi needed in order to pass the Jedi Trials. Paratus preferred to hole himself in his room and to build droids for the Temple. After completing the Trials with his machines, Paratus was appointed a Jedi Knight of the Old Republic. During the final days of the Republic, Jedi Knight Kazdan Paratus was the Jedi Temple's head engineer, a position the Jedi Council appointed to him due to his skills as an extraordinary droid maker. He was responsible for many exceptional and unique machines that were in possession of abilities far beyond those of average droids. He worked in seclusion on Coruscant until the Clone Wars broke out. Refusing to pass up the opportunity to study the droids of the Separatists, Kazdan lived life on the front lines, building medical and power droids as well as other machines designed to support the clone army. Eventually, he took command of a group of clone troopers that were mostly killed off in a disastrous campaign. Due to these circumstances, he was forced to create his own troops that consisted of combat droids that he assembled using makeshift parts. After a great battle, the Jedi Knight returned to the Temple a few days before the issuance of Operation: Knightfall. In an act of cowardice, Paratus fled the Temple, leaving the other Jedi to die inside.

Driven insane by the loss of the Jedi and his own guilt for abandoning them, Kazdan went into hiding on Raxus Prime, becoming a reclusive droid maker. Kazdan created an army of personally customized combat droids to protect himself from intruders. To increase his size and mobility, he designed four mechanical arms to wear on his back. While on the junkyard world, Kazdan built a Jedi Temple from scratch out of refuse and made puppets of all the Jedi councilors for the Council Chamber, arming them with various melee weapons. Approximately 16 years after Order 66, the insane Jedi's location was discovered by Darth Vader who acted with the natural response. Kazdan moved all of his forces against Vader's apprentice, Starkiller, who had been sent to eliminate the Aleena Jedi, in their duel in the Council Chamber. Starkiller, however, destroyed all of Kazdan's creations including his beloved "Council members," before finally killing the Jedi by crushing him with an avalanche of junk and scrap metal. As he lay dying, Paratus uttered his last words "I'm sorry, Masters. I've failed you again…"

Because of Paratus' death, Raxus was left defenseless, as his droids protected the planet. The Empire then took over the planet, stripping its metals to create Star Destroyers, leaving little for scavengers to obtain.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Character Intel: Captain CC-7567 "Rex"

Captain "Rex"

CC-7567, also known as Rex, was a clone trooper captain. During the Clone Wars, Rex was in command of Torrent Company of the famed 501st Legion. Rex and his men were assigned to patrol the sectors of the galaxy within the Outer Rim. Anakin Skywalker's second in command during the Clone Wars, Captain Rex was a freethinking, tough, and aggressive clone trooper. Rex voiced his professional opinions even to higher ranked Jedi. Yet his noteworthy individuality aside, Rex follows his orders without question, just like the rest of the clones and as seen when Ahsoka orders him to complete a mission rather than aid her in combat against General Grievous.

Rex's armor used the color design that the entire 501st Legion had in 19 BBY, though the armor itself was still Phase I armor. He also wore a kama and pauldron, and his helmet displayed Jaig eyes. He carried twin blaster pistols but also utilized the more standard blaster rifles. Interesting enough, Rex's armor resembles the uniform of the ARC Troopers. It is not yet stated if he received any ARC training. When required, Rex could also be seen using jetpacks.

Rex went on many missions with General Skywalker and Kenobi and made good friends with both of them. Rex fought alongside Generals Kenobi and Skywalker at the Battle of Christophsis. He followed the latter in destroy the tri-droids, along with Torrent Company. After the enemy retreated, Anakin's new Padawan, Ahsoka Tano came in. Rex was perplexed, as Skywalker told him that he would never have a Padawan. He and Ahsoka exchanged a few remarks before noticing the enemy deploying a shield generator, which would make their long-ranged artillery impossible to fire. He and his troops held the line while Kenobi "negotiated" with General Whorm Loathsom and Anakin and Ahsoka went to disable the shield generator. Once the shield was down, Rex ordered their cannons to quickly finish off the enemy advances.

At some point during the Clone Wars, Rex, along with Senator Amidala, R2-D2 and C-3PO were sent to Christophsis to investigate crystals being stolen from the planet by the Nightsisters. During the mission, Rex was injured in a fight, and the four were captured then put into a prison. A Jedi team of two, along with Clone troopers led by Commander Gree were sent to Christophsis to rescue them. The Jedi managed to find the prisoners, and the four escaped to Gree's LAAT/i, which had a medical bay on standby for Rex.

Other notable battle he and his men participated in were the Battle of Teth, Battle of the Rishi Moon, Battle of Bothawui, Mission to Skytop Station, and unfortunatley followed Anakin Skywalker to the Jedi Temple when Order 66 (Great jedi Purge) was put into motion by the Emperor. After the Galactic Empire went int opower he and his men became Vader's personal legion of troops. They were then renamed "Vader's Fist" and were the most feared legion of Stormtroopers in the galaxy.

Full Synopsis:

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Character Intel: Galen Marek (Starkiller)

Galen Marek
Galen Marek, codenamed Starkiller, was the son of the Jedi Kento and Mallie Marek. He was a Human male secretly taken as an apprentice by Darth Vader from his father on Kashyyyk during the Great Jedi Purge. The Dark Lord trained him to kill Jedi who survived Order 66, and ultimately to stand with Vader to overthrow his own Master. In time, Marek carved out his own destiny, however, receiving training from Jedi Master Rahm Kota and helped the "fallen" Jedi Maris Brood seek redemption. He became the first leader of the Rebel Alliance.

Through his journeys with PROXY and his new pilot Juno Eclipse, he hunted down and murdered Jedi Master Rahm Kota, Jedi master Kazdan Paratus, and Jedi Master Shaak Ti on Darth Vader's orders, or so Marek thought. After informing his master of Shaak Ti's death, Vader told him to return to the Executor immediately, for the time had come to face the Emperor. As Starkiller was aboard the Executor, the Emperor's fleet arrived. Starkiller believed that Vader had lured Sidious to them, but Vader revealed that he did not summon him. As the confused Sith apprentice turned to see Sidious entering the room, he was brutally stabbed through the back by the very man who raised him, as Vader angrily stated that the Emperor's spies had followed him there. Darth Sidious commanded Vader to finish off Starkiller and prove his loyalty. Despite Starkiller's pleadings, Vader turned on him, telekinetically ravaging him around the command bridge before finally hurling him through the view port windows. While his body lifelessly drifted through space, a lone cargo droid swiveled by, picked him up and took him to a hidden location.

Marek did serve Vader, but Vader and the Emperor (who was really giving Vader the orders and passing them to Marek) only cared about rooting up their enemies and Marek killed thousands of Imperial troops and many imperial installations around the galaxy including the TIE Fighter factory above Nar Shadaa, The Star Destroyer Construction Yard above Raxus Prime, and greatly damaging the Death Star I before it's final completion. Marek also came close to killing Darth Vader and the Emperor after learning the truth behind Emperor's plan and Vader personally kidnapping Senator Bail Organa, Mon Montha, and several others, but in the process of saving the senators that had been kidnapped by Darth Vader, he sacrificed himself to let them escape and declare the rebel alliance against the Empire.

Full synopsis: